A Charity for People – AND Charities 

Dedicated to helping others

Can You Give is a revolutionary startup that is dedicated to the betterment of the planet and the beings on it. We try our hardest to help others with direct service, donations and the coordination of projects.

Never underestimate the power of even the smallest donation. The best thing of all is that donations come from portions of purchases you make at your favorite stores


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With so many people in the world that need help, we wanted to make it easier for those people to receive it. Whether using the money to help others directly or simply providing a means for smaller charities to raise funds, our goal is to help.


Promote your Charity a New Way

Our goal is to provide exposure for charities that might not normally receive attention or worldwide exposure and a means for anyone to donate to them. While our methods might not be unique, we feel that our approach is. Our system doesn’t require any special user registration or logins to start using, you can simply click a link to your favorite store and start shopping.

If you’re interested in being listed as a featured charity and receiving donations, we invite you to fill out an application. This will allow us to verify your organization so that our visitors can have the ease of mind that their donations are going to a worth cause. You’ll receive the following for registering:


  • Statements accompanying deposit checks
  • Recognition upon raising $1000
  • Linking to your organization website
  • Linking to social media pages
  • A personalized thank you letter with press release information




Social Media

As the wave of the future, social media is an excellent place to market your business.




Reputation Management

As the wave of the future, social media is an excellent place to market your business.




Online Marketing

There are blogs, paid ads, and a number of other ways to get your message out to the masses.




Offline Marketing

Not everyone uses the internet. We’ll create a plan for you that also reaches customers offline.




John Walker

We were skeptical about hiring an outside company to do our marketing, because we’d always kept everything in house. I’m so glad we got past our concerns! Hiring this company was the best thing we ever did for our marketing efforts and our bottom line. Profits have come up, and customers are finding us all over the place!


Melissa Taylor

Don’t spend another day worried about your marketing efforts! We struggled for years to come up with good campaigns and get our name and product information out to the people we wanted to attract, but we always fell a little short. As soon as we hired this company, all of that started to turn around. They really know how to market a business, both online and offline, even in a unique niche like ours.

About Our Company




We started as a small company, but that has changed in recent years. Our growth means good news for you, too, since we’ve added more people to help you get the kind of marketing you really need to succeed. Come on in and talk to us about your marketing needs, so you can meet the team that’s going to be helping your company send its marketing efforts out to the world.


It’s always a good idea to know who you’re working with, and we don’t want to be just names on the internet or voices on the telephone.We like to get to know our customers, and it helps us create the best possible marketing campaigns for every business.

You’re unique, and we want to make sure we show that to the world, so your company has the opportunity to grow and develop.


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